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Dandruff formation after hair transplant?
After undergoing any kind of treatment, it’s extremely common for the individual to have anxiety or another problematic state. Like when a person undergoes a Hair Transplant in Vizag, there’s the concern of dandruff formation. But what does that actually mean, and is it possible to handle it appropriately? And will it go away on its own?
What does dandruff mean?
When you visit the Hair clinic in Vizag, you can discuss with the doctor what happens after the hair transplant. The doctor’s assistance will allow you to have a better understanding of managing the symptoms. For the management of dandruff, it’s essential to try out the medicated clarifying shampoo at least 2 to 3 per week. So, to wash your hair after the treatment, you should be careful about the said approach that you use. By doing so, it’s much easier to manage everything.
What are the reasons for dandruff after a hair transplant?
Dandruff formation is a common state after undergoing the journey of a hair transplant. It’s the graft collection from one area to another through the method of FUE and FUT that can lead to the wound-like presence. As the wound begins to heal, there’s dead skin removed from the scalp. That’s what makes it give the presence of dandruff. In medical terms, dandruff formation is referred to as a good sign of the success of hair transplant treatment.
Dandruff is a good sign showing the success of hair transplant treatment
Dandruff is a good sign of hair transplant treatment success. Being an inventive and modern approach to hair transplant, the overall methodology of the treatment has improved a lot with time. Additionally, the assistance offered by the best hair transplant doctor makes everything seamless and effective.
During a hair transplant, the doctor performs the hair graft selection and transplantation through an inventive method that makes the overall success rate of the treatment much higher than ever. So, it’s the means to manage the entire process and make sure there’s effectiveness at every step to boost the overall success rate of the treatment.
Methods of getting rid of dandruff after the hair transplant
Under the supervision of a medical expert, dandruff can be managed with extreme precision and ease. There’s the development of scrubs and crusts on the scalp after the treatment. To manage the dandruff formation, you need to make use of the anti-dandruff shampoo and gently rub it on the scalp. When you are continuous with the said approach, it allows the scalp to heal within 1 to 2 weeks. Just make sure never to scrub off the scalp, as it can lead to further damage. Giving it time to handle everything on its own makes the overall treatment journey effective and manageable.
Final word!
Dandruff is one of the major situations to notice after the hair transplant treatment. To handle the same effectively, you should seek consultation from the experienced surgeon Dr. C Vijay Kumar.