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Everything you need to know about hair and scalp disorders treatment

Everything you need to know about hair and scalp disorders treatment

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    Hair is the main sign of making the person look attractive and young. However, not all of us are fortunate to have the luxurious hair we want. In some cases, people face hair loss issues which become permanent and it affects the person’s self-confidence greatly.

    Ideally, the best choice to solve the issue once and for all is by consulting the doctor for hair transplant. The treatment helps the person to have the desired results which look natural and permanent.

    Latest Hair and scalp Treatment

    In India, doctors are highly experienced and trained to address the issue of hair loss. With time, technology has been developed which helps to get the best results. New technologies have been developed for hair loss along with other scalp conditions.

    At VJC, you will get pioneered treatment for hair loss (alopecia) and excessive hair growth (Hypertrichosis) which have changed the entire way we approach the conditions.

    Get the best approach for hair loss

    The latest and improved techniques help the patients to get the best care with current treatment for your hair loss type. Your hair health and appearance are related to self-image for men and women. Loss of hair, thinning hair or excessive hair growth is related to different types of causes. The research is focusing on finding the main cause and the best treatment for your hair type or scalp condition. Some of the conditions which your doctor will help to treat includes:

    • Alopecia areata
    • Excessive hair growth (hypertrichosis and hirsutism)
    • Male pattern baldness
    • Female pattern baldness
    • Shedding (telogen effluvium)
    • Scalp conditions like inflammation, dandruff, redness, scaling, and bumps
    • Hair loss related to autoimmune disorders or other problems.

    The doctors are researching new treatments for hair loss and if you like you can be a part of the clinical trials for your hair loss type. Most hair and scalp issues are not linked with underlying medical issues or conditions.

    Undergoing thorough evaluation and diagnosis

    However, it is important to have a proper evaluation by your doctor to determine the exact type of hair loss you are suffering from and whether or not you are linked to medical problems. Some hair loss types come with pain, itching, burning, or sensitivity. It is essential to see the doctor and check for the symptoms to get an effective treatment plan.

    Hair transplant treatment

    To solve the issue of hair loss once and for all, you need to undergo hair transplant treatment. During the surgery, the hair follicles are taken from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is extremely less.

    The hair transplantation includes 2 methods which are FUE and FUT. No matter which option the doctor chooses, you will be able to see the desired results you want. The growth of hair is natural and it looks permanent.

    If you are dealing with excessive hair loss or any other scalp condition then consult the doctor today only. Book your appointment for further details.

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